
Basic Knowledge Of Stage Lighting Equipment

A good performance is inseparable from a good stage lighting effect, and good stage lighting effects are inseparable from good stage lighting equipment. Therefore, what kind of stage equipment we choose when setting up the stage needs to be matched according to the specific arrangement and theme of the performance. There are several requirements for stage lighting equipment.

Common light levels for stage lighting To get a good job of configuring professional stage lights, you should first understand the common light levels of stage lighting. This is an important part of the correct configuration.

1. Face light: The light that is directed to the stage from the top of the audience is mainly used for the front lighting of the characters and the basic light spreading of the whole.

2, slap: located on the outside of the mouth of the mouth, obliquely cast on the stage of the light, divided into upper and lower layers, the main auxiliary surface light, enhance the facial lighting, increase the three-dimensional sense of people and scenery.

3, column light (also known as side light): the light projected from the inside of the mouth of the mouth, mainly used for the illumination of the two sides of the character or the scene, adding a sense of three-dimensionality and contour.

4, top light: from the top of the stage to the stage of the light, from front to back is divided into a row of top light, two rows of top light, three rows of top light, etc., mainly used for stage lighting, enhance the stage illumination, and there are many scenes The fixed-point illumination of the props is mainly solved by the top light.

5, backlight: the light projected from the opposite direction of the stage (such as top light, bridge light and other reverse illumination), can outline the contours of people and landscapes, enhance the sense of three-dimensionality and transparency, and can also be used as a specific light source.

6. Bridge Light: The light that is thrown to the stage at the bridge on both sides of the stage is mainly used to assist the column light, enhance the three-dimensional sense, and also be used for the orientation of other light inconvenient projections, and can also be used as a specific light source.

7. Foot light: The light projected from the platen in front of the stage to the stage, mainly assists the surface illumination and eliminates the shadow formed by the face and the jaw of the person illuminated by the high position such as the face light.

8, heaven and earth light: from the sky above and below the sky to the sky, mainly used for the lighting and color changes of the sky.

9. Flowing light: It is located on the flow light stand on both sides of the stage, mainly assisting the bridge light, supplementing the light on the sides of the stage or other specific light.

10, chasing light: the light position required from the auditorium or other positions, mainly used for actors to perform or highlight a certain light, but also for the host, is a close-up of the stage art, play a role in the finishing touch .

Therefore, we should keep this basic knowledge in mind when setting up the stage, in order to build an excellent stage, and perform the whole performance together with the performers.
